Opinion About Tattoos and Possible Tattoos I Would Have — 30 Days Writing Challenge

Dhea Saphira Salsabila
2 min readJun 2, 2020


Clearly, I never think about tattoos before. On a cultural level, many people get tattoos for very personal reasons, either to remember a loved one, showing their political and religious affiliations, and many other reasons that fall under such a wide spectrum.

In my belief, tattoo considered as something prohibited by some, unless it’s temporary. The majority believe that tattoo including unnecessary infliction of pain in the process to obtain the permanent alteration, therefore it’s better to not do it.

Personally, I think that some tattoos are aesthetically pleasing and could be a way of ones expressing themself. But so far, I don’t have any tattoos or planning to get one unless there’s a halal kind of tattoos, then yes be my guest.

I’m also a minimalist, so I found that minimalist tattoos are kinda artsy. If I could have one probably it would be mulgyeoltt, a famous tattoo in South Korea. I would like to have the exact pattern and position as seen on the picture because it looks so damn good. Besides, flowers is a symbol on a true definition of beauty; does not need to be in certain shape. I also think that it represent someone’s soul, a sunflower means it’s full of light and joy.




Dhea Saphira Salsabila

Currently aiming to make an impact in the society. I hope you’re enjoying pieces of my thoughts:)